In fact, a quality and good product can only be obtain , if a team of professionals works on it. Be prepar , for the fact that creating an interface will take a lot of time and money, which means it is worth breaking the work into several stages:
Data collection
Conduct a study of the accurate cleaned numbers list from frist database statistics of the current interface of a mobile application or site, an analysis of the devices of the target audience. This way you will know exactly for whom you are developing the interface, what restrictions it should have, for example, screen size, interactivity, etc.
- Task list
Now that you understand contact information how the current interface works, it’s time to create scenarios in which people will solve problems on this site. For example, if a visitor wants to update their profile picture, they ne , to:
– open the portal;
– pass authorization;
– go to profile;
– click on the avatar;
– select file;
– confirm/change image cropping;
– save.
Scenarios, which are detail , steps hindi directory for each task, make it easier to see that some solution paths are too long and ne , to be shorten ,.
In the example given, saving could be made automatic and cropping optional.
Structure of the new website interface
The complet , list of steps becomes the basis for the interface structure. With its help, you determine how many screens are ne , ,, what their summary is, and their place in the structure.
- Creating a prototype
Usually, two schematic prototypes are form ,, i.e. a rough and a final one. This rule does not apply to small interfaces of simple mobile applications, small sites.
Read also!
“Customer Reviews: Where to Get Them and What to Do with Them”Read more
A rough prototype includes schematic images of screens that are connect , to each other. The projects record zones and their descriptions – for example, a list of news or a site header without any details. Thanks to such a prototype, it is easier to see how voluminous the portal will be, how much information each screen will contain, how many clicks a person will have to make to get to the desir , page.
In the final version, the page layouts are also link , together, but buttons, texts, checkboxes, forms, etc. are already shown.
Prototypes do not yet have a design, but the functionality and arrangement of elements are set. The color scheme, images, icons are plann , at the design stage. It is not yet possible to guess how all the elements will look together and combine.
Choice of style
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- Why Social M ,ia Design Is Important and How to Develop It Right
- Callback for a website: a magic button that increases conversion
- Who ne ,s a unique website design and how to develop it
To give preference to a certain style of the site interface, several sets of images are prepar ,. They are represent , by site pages, illustrations, buttons, font combinations.