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The importance of email sending reputation

When it comes to email marketing, your The importance  sending reputation is crucial. This is link to your email IP address cell phone database and domain. You can craft a killer email using email writer tools, but if you’re sending reputation. If your sending reputation isn’t up to scratch, your emails may not reach your subscribers’ inboxes.

Spam emails are annoying and intrusive

for recipients. In 2018, the global email spam rate was 55%, meaning that over half of the emails sent out that year were unwant and unsolicit. The global spam rate is actually decreasing year on social mia on brand reputation year because email service providers (ESPs) like Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail have put measures in place to combat email spam.

ESPs use your email sending

reputation to determine whether or not your email is likely to be spam. So that your email marketing campaigns betting email list don’t get caught in ESP spam filters, you must make sure your sending reputation is excellent.

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