eBay Buyer Protection applies only if several conditions are met:
The buyer did not receive the goods, or they do not match the description
Payment must be made by the following methods – PayPal, ProPay, Skrill, Paymate Credit card or debit card processed through The seller’s Internet merchant account, Bill Me Later. Let us remind you that the most common payment method at the auction (99% of payments) is PayPal .
Items must be purchased only through the official eBay website, and not through any partner sites.
The goods must be paid for in full and in one payment
You will not be able to use eBay Buyer Protection in the following cases:
The product was purchased by mistake or as a result of a momentary whim. After some time, the buyer came to his senses and decided to return the purchase, using eBay.
You want to deceive the eBay administration, and for this you falsify evidence. Believe me, everything is very easy to figure out, and if you are caught trying.
To deceive, your account can be telegram number list blocked forever.
The item was received through a third party. For example, you work through an intermediary who receives the item from an eBay seller and then ships it to you. In such cases, the protection program does not apply.
If the product falls under the category of real estate, websites, cars and motorcycles, services.
There are also other features in which
You cannot count on eBay’s protection. You can read about them in detail on the company’s official website.
Acceptable time wholesale platform limits for opening and conducting disputes on eBay
Both PayPal and eBay disputes have their own time limits. You can apply for protection of violated rights no later than 30 days from the end date of the actual or estimated delivery period. The estimated period wholesale platform should be understood as the figure that the seller has determined and indicated in the Delivery what is customer loyalty line. If the period is not specified, then the standard aero leads figures should be taken as a basis – delivery is 7 days for goods, the seller and buyer of which are in the same country, and 30 days if in different countries. In total, for international parcels, the maximum period during which you can open a dispute is 60 days.