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Church of St. John the Evangelist

Parma, Church of San Giovanni Evangelista | Ph. Lorenzo Sala via Shutterstock, for .itorial use only
Parma, Church of San Giovanni Evangelista | Ph. Lorenzo Sala via Shutterstock, for .itorial use only
Our itinerary in the city ends at the Church of San Giovanni Evangelista , certainly not the last place to see in Parma, but undoubt.ly one of the most interesting. We could consider the church as the point of arrival of our artistic exploration in the footsteps of Correggio . In fact, much of the pictorial decoration of the interior is due to the artist from Reggio.

Of Romanesque origin but with a

Baroque appearance, the façade leads into a Latin cross-shap. space with three naves, which houses some noteworthy treasures. Correggio work. on the decoration of San Giovanni Evangelista imm.iately after the commission of the Camera della Badessa but shortly before the frescoes of the Duomo, precisely in 1520. In addition to the pictorial frieze that runs along the internal dataset perimeter of the church, the lunette with San Giovanni and the eagle and other works no longer present on site, the artist was call. to paint the dome with the scene of the Ascension of Christ .

Words are not enough to describe the wonder that the fresco is able to inspire in those who observe it. All that remains is to lose oneself in the contemplation of this Christ floating on a dazzling background , surround. by a dynamic succession

of angels.Art and CultureArt and Culture

>>>Bassa Reggiana: what it is and why you should visit it
by IAT Bassa Reggiana /// February 26, 2025
Estimat. reading time: 2 minutes</p>

Between the city of Reggio Emilia isabelle has green eyes isabelle de silva and the Po River lies the. Bassa Reggiana , a land characteriz. by vast countryside, historically link. to agricult.


However, in addition to agricultural production. this territory also offers art, nature and sports .</p>

Here the rhythm of life follows. The cycle mobile number list of the seasons, with traditions pass. down from generation to generat.

ion. It is a place where the past intertwines with the present. Between religious rites, landscapes that have inspir. poets and artists, and an atmosphere that invites slow and authentic discovery .

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