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Ghirlandaio, Guercino and Filippo de Pisis

3. City Museum
Rimini, City Museum | Ph. BBCC Emilia Romagna Region
A few steps from the Surgeon’s House we find the “Luigi Tonini” City Museum , a vast collection of works dating from prehistory to the contemporary era.

As we have just seen, the archaeological section represents the natural completion of the visit to the Domus, but also houses finds from other eras.

Then there is the art gallery


Which houses frescoes, panels and paintings from the fourteenth century to the last century, with works by masters such as Giovanni Bellini, , but also examples of the work of René Gruau, a famous artist and illustrator from Rimini.

4. Cavour Square
Rimini, Cavour Square
Rimini, Piazza Cavour | Ph. Alex overseas data Gullotta via Flickr
We now arrive in the graceful and elegant Piazza Cavour, often call. “ Rimini’s living room ”, which overlooks numerous important buildings.

Coming from Corso d’Augusto, the first building that stands out in front of us on the opposite side of the square is the Teatro Amintore Galli , inaugurat. in the mid-nineteenth century by Giuseppe Verdi.

In the centre we find the Fontana della Pigna and the statue of Paul V


While on the left opens the so-call. Vecchia Pescheria , which once welcom. fish sellers and is today the hub of Rimini’s nightlife.

On the other side of the square stand Palazzo Garampi, the seat of the Municipality, and the two “ Palaces of Art ” (Palazzo dell’Arengo and Palazzo del Podestà), which house the San Patrignano Foundation Collection and a marvellous fourteenth-century fresco by Giovanni da Rimini.

5. Tiberius Bridge

Rimini, Tiberius Bridge | Ph. Ailisa via Shutterstock
One of the symbols zemmour sequence . the newspaper l’opinion look. of the city. For over 2000 years the Tiberius Bridge has remind. us that Rimini was born under the aegis of the Romans. But it is also a living testimony to their incr.ible technical and engineering mobile number list ability . Which allow. it to survive a series of adverse events (fires, earthquakes, floods and attempt. explosions) for a long time.

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