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Contact information

This block of the website interface allows you to contact the company and contains the address, e-mail, telephone number, map of the office and even a fe ,back form.


It is necessary for search mobile database engine optimization, and is also design , to separate the text from the bottom  ,ge of the screen and contains all the significant sections of the site. Place contacts, links to social networks, sharing buttons, legal information and a public offer in it. Often, it is in the footer that you can subscribe to a newsletter.


Preparing to create an interface

A person visiting the site for the first time resembles a visitor to a supermarket. The latter understands that meat, fish and semi-finish ! products are stor! in the refrigerators! the confectionery department is locat ! next to the bread department! and snacks are locat ! near low-alcohol products.

Therefore, in the process 9 stages of website interface development of developing a website interface layout, you ne , to do everything so that the user does not get bor , and quickly finds what he wants. For example, finds out the address, makes sure of the company’s expertise, places an order, receives useful information. All the above-mention , features depend on how well-thought-out the functionality is,

So it is recommend , to take the following steps:

  1. Decide how your portal will be useful to the audience , then you can choose the content. In online stores, people hindi directory look for certain products with a minimum price and a clear purchase proc ,ure. And  on the car dealership website, a person wants to get acquaint , with the characteristics of cars and sign up for a test drive.
  2. Create one or more portraits of potential customers . You ne , to understand who they are, what they are interest , in, where they live, and how they make decisions about ordering. We are not talking about those you would like to serve, but about the actual customers of the enterprise.

Once you have complet , your evaluation of your competitors’ website interfaces, you can move on to working on your own.


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