The COMFORT Group provides favorable living conditions in apartment buildings. Today, the company services 348 residential buildings, 27 underground and 16 detached parking lots in Moscow, Moscow and Kaluga regions.
Yulia Sadovnikova, Head of the Contact Center of the COMFORT Group, told how the quality of phone number database communication with clients has changed after the implementation of Jivo.
Why did you decide to connect Jivo
Communication with residents and receiving feedback from them on our services is a key mechanism for the management company. That is why we decided to modernizeunlocking the potential of crm: key statistics for 2024 this process and integrate Jivo into our work.
Before Jivo, residents of our buildings could send requests and applications in three channels:
in a special form on the website
in the mobile application
by calling the 24-hour contact center.
The main disadvantage of these channels is the long wait for a response.
While searching for a solution, we realized that we needed a chat that would consolidate requests from different channels in one place. This would help solve two problems at once: long responses and missed requests.
After considering several options, we chose Jivo. Firstly, because it is a well-known company with a good reputation. Secondly, the application has the ability to store client data and history.
How Jivo was implemented
The new tool was implement in several stages. In September 2023, Jivo chat with residents of two residential complexes was launch in the personal account on the COMFORT Group website. In October, access to the chat with the operator was opened for all residential complexes, then the ability to write email leads database not only in the personal account, but also in the mobile application, as well as in Telegram, was connected.
Contacting via Telegram turned out to be especially convenient, since it does not require registration in a personal account or mobile application. This is important for residents of apartment buildings who have purchased real estate but have not yet issued a personal account.
In a month, we trained operators to work with the application, wrote templates for answers to frequently asked questions. Thanks to this, operators have more time to solve more difficult and specific requests.
Operators noted that it has become more convenient to work with Jivo, since it is possible to attach a file to the correspondence.
Jivo connection results
After several months of using Jivo chat, we conducted a survey: 90% of clients noted that the chat simplified the process of communication with the management company, and operators began to respond faster than before.