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What makes a group of people a team

What is a team? It is a single, effective mechanism that is able to work harmoniously due to common goals and interests. It is not enough to simply gather several people and tell them to perform certain tasks.


When employees understand each other, there are no c level executive list misunderstandings in the team. This simplifies work on tasks and reduces the number of errors.

A team is less productive when its members spend a long time trying to understand what a colleague wants from them. Therefore, mutual understanding is one of the most important skills for teamwork. It is not always possible to achieve this right away, but it is important to strive to improve mutual understanding in the team.

Ability to work in a team

There may be people in the team who do not take into better product visibility on social media and strategies to achieve it account the opinions of their colleagues, do not know how to help and consider their opinion to be the only correct one. The most important thing for them is to show their own achievements. These are not team players. It will be difficult to work with them. But team members depend on each other and together influence the final result.

Common values ​​and interests

People may behave differently in the same situations. Some employees strive to fulfill the plan, other team members – to come up with an innovative solution. Some are responsible for tasks, others – irresponsible. It is important that the interests mobile lead and values ​​of the team are common or similar. Otherwise, one irresponsible person will demotivate the entire team.

Very often, it is in the team that people’s values ​​and interests are formed. Some are infected with their colleagues’ love for sports, others – for intellectual games. Participants work together on a project, adopting the personal and professional qualities of other employees.

Ability to listen to others

It is difficult to build teamwork if people do not listen to others. They ignore information at meetings or requests from the manager. Successful teams consist of  engaged and attentive people. Therefore, an important skill of the team is the ability to not just listen to what others say, but to hear them.

Common goals, solutions and motivation

It is almost impossible to build effective teamwork if the employees do not have a common goal. Imagine that members of a hockey team were given different goals: to beat the opponent, to show off a new uniform, to perform the “slapshot” technique. As a result, each player will go for his own goal, although there should be only one – to win the match. This rule applies to any team.