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Agreement as FEDERATUR Contact Center

TELÉFONO PERMANENTE has sign a cooperation agreement with FERATUR , the Catalan feration of tourist apartments that includes the associations APARTUR (Barcelona), ATA (Costa Brava and Pirineu de Girona) and AT (Costa Daurada).
24 x 7 telephone solutions are increasingly necessary.

Our cooperation as a collaborating member of APARTUR is bringing considerable benefits to the tourist rental sector .

Several companies have already hir the services of our


Call Center to meet a fundamental ne, which is customer or user service. From now on, we are pleas to offer 24-hour telephone service coverage to members of ATA Costa Brava – Pirineu de Girona and AT Costa Daurada .

Catalan Feration of Tourist list of slovakia consumer email Apartments logologo association tourist apartments Costa Brava Pirineu Girona

Beyond a mere commercial or competitive objective, 24-hour telephone support is an administrative requirement impos by the City Councils. Tourist apartment managers are oblig to provide a 24-hour permanent customer service.

list of slovakia consumer email

And it is a reasonable and understandable demand


We put ourselves in the shoes of the Agreement as FERATUR.  Tourist who obviously does not know his surroundings well and who has a problem first aid by telephone in emergency situations in the apartment or wants to ask something. He will surely find information on social networks, but he will prefer to. Call the customer service phone number to. Get a quick solution to his specific problem.

Thanks to many years of australian businesses directory experience as a Call Center. Teléfono Permanente has the human and technological resources to successfully respond to new challenges and provide solutions to the nes that arise in a rapidly growing environment, such as the tourist apartment sector.

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