Check Dual SIM Compatibility Confirm that your Android device supports dual SIM functionality.
This information
User manual or by checking America Cell Phone Number List the manufacturer’s website.
Can usually be
Step 2: Obtain a Second SIM Card
Found in the device’s
Purchase a SIM card from your preferred mobile carrier. Choose a plan that suits your needs (prepaid or postpaid).
Insert the SIM Cards
Power off your device. Locate the SIM card tray (often on the side of the device).
Use the SIM ejector
Place both SIM cards into the tray, ensuring they’re properly aligned.
Reinsert the tray and power on your device.
Configure SIM Settings
Go to Settings > Network & Internet > SIM Cards (the path may vary depending on your device).
You’ll see both SIM cards listed.
You can customize settings Country Email List Library such as: Preferred SIM for Calls: Choose which SIM to use by default or select “Ask every time.”
Tool to open the tray
Preferred SIM for Data: Assign BY Lists one SIM for mobile data usage.