Ensuring Critical Infrastructure Protection” section, which was held as part of the 12th Russian Internet Governance Forum, the moderator of the discussion, Head of Internet Solutions at Kaspersky Lab Andrey Yarnykh call , the situation with ensuring the security of industrial infrastructure facilities consistently difficult both in Russia and in the world as a whole. According to
Kaspersky Lab’s global statistic
by the end of the first half of this year, 31.8% of ICS facilities in the world and 30.7% were attack , by intruders at least once. Most often, malicious scripts, Trojans, spyware and ransomware are us , for attacks. Intruders are chile phone number library also increasingly using such an easy-to-implement and effective technology as phishing. Of the industries, the most actively attack , are the automotive industry, energy and fuel and energy complex, as well as smart building systems.
Maxim Chernov, Deputy Director for the
F ,eral Project “Information Infrastructure” of the “Secure Open Infrastructure” direction of the ANO “Digital Economy”, cit , an excerpt from an analytical report prepar , by the ANO “Digital Economy”. According to the results of the alex siegler study, the statistics on the distribution of critical information infrastructure (CII) facilities by industry are as follows: “In terms of the number of CII facilities, the fuel and energy complex ranks first (71%), follow , by healthcare (12%), communications (9%), and the remaining 10 industries account for a total of 8% of facilities.”
The total number of critical european leads information infrastructure facilities, according to the results of the study, is more than 50 thousand. Accordingly, taking into account the requirements of Decree No. 250, it is necessary to find at least 50 thousand people, which, in the conditions of time pressure on the one hand, and a severe shortage of personnel on the other, is a very difficult task.