Digital marketing
Google AI Overview, what it is and how to adapt your content SEO
We explain the characteristics of Google’s new technology call AI Overview and what its benefits and consequences are. June 13,
Web architecture and link depth, could this be
Web architecture and link depth play a key role in the performance of your e-commerce. We show you how to
The evolution of web search engines: Should SEO be prepared for the future?
Learn about the main changes in web search engines and the best SEO practices for the coming years. June 27,
Press clipping for May. The cookie law is under study
Súmate has appear in various mia outlets thanks to its analysis of the consequences of paywall cookies July 2, 2024
What is cybersquatting and how to detect it to ensure the integrity of your company
Fake ads, dissatisfied users, falling sales… We explain what cyber fraud or cybersquatting is and how to know if your
Brand impersonation: how much do companies lose due to cyber fraud?
Brand impersonation causes damage to brands both economically and in terms of reputation. Reduces risks July 11, 2024 Cybersecurity A
Lifetime Value or LTV. What it is and how to improve it for your brand
Lifetime Value is a metric that calculates the economic value generat by a customer during the duration of their relationship
Cybersecurity and artificial intelligence: Is there a danger in sharing data?
We tell you why artificial intelligence and cybersecurity are essential to mitigate the risks associated with sharing data. July 25,
How fake stores affect online reputation
We explain the effects of fake online stores on the reputation of legitimate brands and the best way to prevent