The Committee addressing future generations
The Committee’s decision to cut any reference to the concept of sustainable development (which was present as a “key concept” […]
The Committee’s decision to cut any reference to the concept of sustainable development (which was present as a “key concept” […]
Nor did the GC’s approach fully follow Kenya’s recommendation In response to the concept note that! “[u]ndertaking a child rights
My emphasis here is on selected elements of the GC dealing with rights and obligations. Others will be better-placed to
The experience with regard to “identified rights” under human rights treaties (e.g.! the right to water under Article 11(1) ICESCR)
Inde! given the language of paras 71 and 72 of the section on “Obligation of States to respect! protect and
The GC states in para 73 that “Subject to any obligations under international law! including those contain in multilateral environmental
Ultimately! however much will hang on future interpretation of “a reasonable balance” by the Committee in the context of it
The Court observ “that the Presidency is a political body of the State and not of the Entities” (para 73)
In the relevant paragraph, the Committee appears to be drawing on language used in a 2018 report by the
The complex question is who can determine when the time v is ripe and guarantee that ethnic conflicts do
The Committee notes in the General Comment that “[t]he efforts of children to draw attention to these environmental crises creat
While UN treaty bodies often make use of OHCHR staff, consultants and external advisors in relation to General Comments, the