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Crayfish breeding: advertising, finding clients, sales

First, you need to decide how you are going to sell your products. If you do not want unnecessary difficulties, you can sell your entire “catch” to wholesalers. They are not expensive, but in bulk and regularly, ready to buy your crayfish, and they can take on the costs of transportation and catching. There is one drawback here – earnings can be normal only with large volumes of production. Otherwise, if you have a small lake, selling crayfish wholesale may not be profitable, or the profit will be minimal.

If the option with wholesalers is not for you

and you want to do sales yourself, then you need to think in detail about how and where to sell crayfish. Let’s look at the main methods of sale:
Opening your own beer houses, fish and seafood stores, cafes and restaurants. You can tie another business to crayfish breeding. As a rule, they sell well in beer houses, various restaurants and cafes. You can consider opening small fish shops, where crayfish will be among other products. Believe me, they are always in demand asia mobile number list among the population, and will not linger on the shelves.
Cooperation with cafes, restaurants, bars. If the option of opening a related business is not for you, then you can offer your crayfish to those establishments that have them on the menu. The system is simple – go to all the cafes, restaurants, beer bars and fish shops, talk to the owners, offer your product on a regular basis. Many will be only happy to have fresh crayfish at a price lower than in stores. For you – this is a constant sales opportunity, for the business owner – savings on purchases.

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And if you take breeding: advertising into account the fact that there is practically no competition in this business, then many establishment owners will be happy to cooperate with you.
In the summer corporate gifts to boost your sales channel breeding: advertising season, you can try to establish cooperation with recreation centers, sanatoriums, and various tourist centers. You can supply them aero leads with crayfish, which they will sell to vacationers.
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