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How to improve the efficiency of business processes

In this article, we will examine in detail what an ERP system is. We will consider the structure and purpose of an ERP system, its operating logic, tools, advantages and disadvantages. In addition, we will talk about the nuances of successful implementation of ERP systems, which companies benefit from using this tool, and which do not.

What is an ERP system

An ERP system is a comprehensive software design to simplify, automate and effectively manage business processes in an organization.

In other words, ERP is a unifi system of automatic b2b email list accounting and control of various numerical metrics of the enterprise. The term ERP means Enterprise Resource Planning.

A full-flg ERP system has a built-in single data warehouse. Various information about all business processes of the company is automatically receiv from external sources. The ERP system combines the following areas: financial, personnel records, procurement, warehouse, marketing.

The ERP system is available to all departments and employees of the company. This allows them to work effectively, quickly exchange information, improve interaction and coordinate work areas.

Each ERP system is a complex mechanism

Which is conventionally divid into three large parts. Systems consist of a platform, modules and a database.

1. Platform. In fact, this is the application architecture advantages of building a website itself, the skeleton of the system. It implements all operations and capabilities from a technical point of view, includes advanc business analytics.

The platform collects information from various external sources, can combine it and send it to the following blocks. The main task of the platform is to ensure the operation of each module of the ERP system.

2. Modules. Within a business, there are modules or mobile database separate areas of activity. ERP modules will be responsible for each of them. Modules in ERP are components that correspond to specific functions and are responsible for their business processes, company issues.

There are modules, for example, for organizing supplies, for finance, production, etc. Each module usually contains a set of tools and functions that are design for a specific area of ​​the company’s activity. In some ERP systems, modules can be modifi bas on business processes.

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