Once completed, the Lean Canvas becomes a roadmap of sorts. It helps the team stay focused on the key aspects of the project: your target audience, problems, solutions, and unique benefits. It can be used:
1) First, as a guideline for the immediate operational activities. Let’s imagine that you have worked through the idea and realized that it looks interesting and special lead promising. Now you should refine it: test hypotheses, conduct surveys, get feedback, interact more closely with the target audience.
This is not yet a full implementation of the project
But a preparatory stage. Within its framework, for example, you can focus on the blocks from the Lean Canvas.
2) As a presentation for partners and investors. Lean Canvas gives a concise, but on the other hand, capacious picture of the project: without “water”, complex terms, unnecessary sentences and data. Such information is well perceived. It is an excellent basis for demonstrating the idea and strategy, especially in the early stages.
3) As a basis for drawing up a more detailed business 5 important things to consider when building your websites plan, financial plan and other documents. This will be relevant if the idea turned out to be successful and you want to fully implement it.
Common Mistakes When Working with Lean Canvas
Often, beginning entrepreneurs make typical mistakes that minimize the benefit of the method and lead to problems. Let’s consider some of them.
1. Filling out the template alone
Lean Canvas is a collaborative tool. The table should be filled in together with the team, specialists should be involved, brainstorming should be arranged. This is the only way to:
- fill out the template with the highest quality and versatility;
- consider the problem, the product feature and find a comprehensive solution.
For example, if you fill out the table alone, it will be very subjective and inaccurate.
2. Selecting the wrong consumer segments
Defining the target audience of a startup or a new singapore phone list product is a key step. If mistakes are made at this step and the wrong target audience segments are selected, the rest of the model will be useless. It is important to accurately guess the consumers and maintain a balance in the size of the target audience.
3. Incorrect filling of income and expenses
Lean Canvas is not a detailed financial plan. Within the framework of the table, you do not need to count money (specific figures), consider the break-even point, the exact amount of income and expenses.
In the process of creating a model, it is sufficient to indicate only the main areas of expenses and income – that is, to focus on the structure.