Ultimately! however much will hang on future interpretation of “a reasonable balance” by the Committee in the context of it its reporting and communications work.
That said! although questions remain as to the precise scope of the obligations impos by the right to a clean! health sustainable environment under the CRC! the GC undoubtly contributes to the concretisation of that right under IHRL! as well as providing a clear indication of how this right must be achiev in practice for children as a specific group.
Another notable element of the GC is its detail
Treatment of the linkages between Convention rights & the challenges pos by environmental harm (and states’ (non)responses to it) to children across the rights spectrum. By highlighting how environmental harm buy bulk sms service affects all rights – civil! social! economic! political! cultural – the Committee is using the GC to make clear that it is not a matter simply of economic and social rights. of the GC is its focus on civil and political rights! including with regard to the challenges fac by child environmental rights defenders (para 29) as well as the requirement for states to take measures to ensure that children participate meaningfully in environmental decision-making processes around “legislation! policies! regulations! projects and activities that may affect them! at the local! national and international levels” (para 27).
It is to be hop that this will help
Focus further attention (on the part of states! treaty bodies and others) on the role ghirlandaio, guercino and filippo de pisis that civil and political rights have to play in the context of environmental harm – including but also going beyond the child rights context.
Another area of interest in the GC from Inde a particularly an IHRL perspective centres on the question of the obligation of international cooperation. This obligation! which is set china numbers out in Article 4 CRC is reflect in other IHRL instruments! including most notably Article 2(1) of the International Covenant on Economic! Social and Cultural Rights.