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Jivo updates: chat placement settings in the

Some people harvest vegetables and fruits, and we harvest the updates we worked on this summer. We tell you about the functions that made Jivo even more convenient.

Mobile Widget Placement Settings

Before the update, customers were facing the problem that the widget icon in the mobile app was covering other important buttons. We helped solve shop this issue by placing CSS code in the client-side template. Sounds complicated? Unfortunately, for non-programming savvy users, it really is.

But we’ve simplified everything! Now you can customize the widget’s location directly in the Design → Mobile version section of your personal account:

Adjust the widget position using the indent settings: you can choose one of the standard values ​​or enter your own value in pixels (from 0 to 100px). You can also choose the button color and evaluate the new settings in the maximizing crm automation without compromising personal connections widget preview.

The function is available for all Jivo tariffs, including the Starter one.

Widget Sound Notification Settings

If previously it was only possible to turn off widget sounds on the client side, now you decide for yourself what your chat will be like – loud and clear, or silent and delicate.

You can enable or disable chat message sounds in the corresponding section of the channel settings:

The function is available for all versions of Jivo except for the Starter.

Editing widget labels

Now in one! Edit texts and change the widget language in the Channel Language Settings section:

The function is available for all versions of Jivo except for the Starter.

Copy channel settings

Great news for those who periodically add new channels to Jivo and transfer settings from existing channels to the new one manually: now you can do it automatically, which means faster and with less risk of errors during the transfer.

To copy settings from or to a channel, click the corresponding button in the upper right email leads database corner of the channel settings screen:

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