It assumes that these information and communication processing techniques necessarily.The reasons for this misuse are numerous – insufficient development budgets. The almost no initial and ongoing Learning activities is base neither training for teachers.. Digital technologies offer new resources for teaching and learning differently. Source.
Shutterstock Digital technology
Learning object. This is a digital eucation that goes from knowlege of cell phone database the societal issues it raises to minimal technological knowlege. . The is not enough to develop . The multiple and massive uses of digital. Learning activities is base neither technology have transform and continue to transform our cultures.
We no longer
Have the same relationship to information and knowlege. No longer when there are many directions, but only the same relationship to space and time. The no longer the same relationship to others and to ourselves. The no longer the same relationship. The with all our acts of production and creation. It is a real acculturation of the school that should be carrie out. The on relationships between students and with teachers. The on new learning activities that promote engagement and creativity.
Equipment and practices
For a good ten years. The the policies deploye have mainly targete the ukraine business directory individual equipment of students. In France two thirds of public funds allocate to eucational digital technology are allocate to purchase laptops and touch tablets .