Fabienne Hulak’s book, publishby itions Champ Social in Nîmes. Has an intriguing title: Logic of the sinthome – Putting it into practice. (1) This title is resonant with that of Lacan’s Seminar from 1966-1967, The Logic of Fantasy Logic of the .
Lacan points out that fantasy is not a fancy. But that it is part of this enjoyment encounterin childhood and which serves as a support. A shape (2) for the subject’s desire. This desire which is outlined in the lack and to which fantasy brings the possibility, even imperfect, of satisfaction.
But the relationship of the human to the loss impos
on him by the fact of speaking cannot be ruce to the notion of lack. It happens that fantasy. Is precisely lacking as the phallic accurate cleaned numbers list from frist database interpretation of his enjoyment. Of the suppo enjoyment of the desire of the Other. The subject finds himself fac with a void, both inexplicable and unexplain. This does not mean that he has no answer to deal with it, it is then the symptom which will take on the value of being. Of a barrier to the real. It will in some way keep the gap clos, make using social media for proactive customer support up for it by naming, therefore by fixing the enjoyment. This is why Lacan will elevate it to the power of a fantasy and through Joyce who makes his art his Ego, will call it “Sinthome” (3) . In this book, Fabienne Hulak leads the reader through paradigmatic
cases of the construction of a sinthome, paradigmatic to be understood not in the sense of a model but of an exemplary and singular value. This path teaches the psychoanalyst and beyond; clinical cases are next to famous cases, and clean email constitute an open field. It is the field of possible treatments of foreclosure via creation, invention, discovery, know-how which is worth as well as knowing how to be, in the sinthome dimension.
The author’s desire is reveal in the hollow; to seek to know how. Fac with the rupture, the cut, the foreclos fault, to find the possibility of a continuity in enjoyment. This continuity places psychoses alongside neuroses in the pathologies and sufferings of the speaking being.