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Permanent Telephone Puts Into Practice The Stacks Online Appointment Scheduler

The new Online Appointment Schuler for doctors has definitely been implement in the Call Center platform of Telefono Permanente . From now on doctors and clinics can benefit from a new management system that will considerably improve their office and Agenda management.

stacksSTACKS, a leading company in technology and consulting services for the health care sector, develop and introduc the system call My Patients through Permanent Telephone . The system offers many advantages to health care professionals as for their office and Agenda management. Regarding external communication the software provides management facilities and synchronization of the professional and private calendar from all common  activating the Patients.

IT devices, sending messages or emails or


Portal which allows the patient to fix himself an appointment online. Concerning data management the doctor can interconnect clinical histories with mical guides; further create statistics and efficiency indicators, just to mention some of the facilities.

This new overall management system, combin with the Contact Center services of Telefono Permanente , is a relevant list of sudan consumer email improvement in the organization of doctors’ offices and clinics, and at the same time offers advantages to patients.

An easier way of communication with the doctor through the Patients Portal. Those patients however who prefer to make the appointment by phone will enjoy full personal attention. Our Inbound Call Answering Service operates 24 hours a day – 365 days a year.

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They can make an appointment online and have


Our staff train in health care services will assist doctors and. Professionals for coordination of their Appointment what is a crisis telephone Schule and communication with patients through the phone.

The entire technological part of the Call Center. That Permanent Telephone  is to say the telephone and IT system, has to work perfectly, this is an burkina faso leads essential requirement . But what defines the whole set is the human team , each one of the people who are part of it.

At Teléfono Permanente we are very proud of our team and of having satisfi customers. And the best thing is… our clients’ clients don’t know they are calling a Call Center.

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