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Prepare for big algorithm changes

That said! press releases aren’t useless! as they can still attract attention to your brand from online media outlets! bloggers! and journalists. However! if you want to improve your SEO ranking! you’ll need people to discover your business naturally and write about it of their own volition.

Free your site from technical problems

Google knows that site visitors don’t want to deal with a mess of errors when they click on a search result! and that’s a big part of why technical issues can ruin your SEO rankings. For example! ensuring your site loads as quickly as possible plays a bigger role in SEO than you might expect.

If Google notices that users aren’t staying on phone number lead phone number lead your site because it takes too long to load! this will affect your site’s SEO ratings. However! loading times aren’t the only technical issues that can be a thorn in the side of business owners and site managers looking to take their SEO game to the next level.

For example! if your site has broken links or a thailand lists thailand lists poor content management system! you’ll likely end up losing rankings when it comes to SEO. Also! remember that Google is always looking for new technical issues that could affect a site’s SEO! so if your current issues aren’t hurting your rankings! they could in the future.

There was a time when a change in search how to choose the best and manage them algorithms was relatively unexpected! and over time! it seems that a constantly changing algorithm has become the new normal. This is a big part of why SEO experts who have been in the industry for so long have struggled to adapt to this new way of doing things.

Some experts argue that this ever-changing approach to search algorithms has been spurred by the increased number of users on a variety of different devices. Instead of searching primarily on desktops and laptops! search engines are seeing a large influx of users on mobile devices.

This means that fluency and the ability to predict changes in search algorithms are now an important part of being an effective SEO expert. Unfortunately! there’s no easy way to learn this other than simple intuition and experience in the field.

Vary your keywords and don’t stuff them

Focusing exclusively on keyword optimization may seem like a golden strategy. After all! if keywords are the backbone of a search engine! then why shouldn’t you try to get the most out of them? However! many recent changes to search algorithms are a little less logical than you might expect.

This is because the algorithm can tell when a specific keyword is being overused! and new search algorithms care less about a specific term appearing repeatedly. A better approach to keyword optimization is now to use a larger number of interrelated keywords in a natural and fluid way.

SEO experts have coined this as the “less is more” approach to keyword optimization! and you can see how it works for yourself by using a tool like Clearscope. As more and more of the same keyword is introduced into a piece of content (beyond a certain point)! its rankings will begin to drop.


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