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Social networks you should be visible on

Proper online marketing is a gold mine for businesses. And today, few people can imagine online marketing without social networks. There are many of them, each with its own ideal content type, each suitable for a certain type of business, and each speaks to its target audience. Which social networks should you focus on?


No, the answer is not really that on all of them. Trying every new social network that shines like a comet and then disappears into oblivion is a waste of time, energy and financial resources. In the Czech and Slovak markets, it makes sense to focus especially on the largest ones – led by Facebook. You don’t have to be everywhere.

One network rules them all

Facebook, the giant social network whose humble beginnings are now remembered by few, is as commonplace today as television was for a generation before us. In June of last year, the number of Facebook users surpassed 2 billion. Mark Zuckerberg may have hoped for his project long ago at Harvard, but he probably never imagined that he would be able to attract almost a third of the world’s population to it.

In the Czech Republic, Facebook is used by almost 5 million people. With such a large number of users, it makes sense for everyone to be on this social network – whether it is e-shops, companies in the B2B segment, non-profit organizations, media, government institutions, politicians or celebrities. Thanks to a wide range of different types of posts, every Facebook page can communicate what it is really good at. In addition, it has a gigantic advertising system with almost endless targeting and optimization options.

Facebook is essential. No matter what segment you are in, and whether your goals are educational, commercial, or charitable, be on Facebook . You will definitely find your fans there.

Show yourself to the world

The visual social network, where you can upload photos and videos, has also made huge progress since its inception in 2010. For the first two years, the application was cell phone database only available on iOS, and it was not until 2012 that it was also possible to run it on Android. Today, Instagram has 800 million users. And it is owned by Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook.

Instagram makes the most sense in the B2C sector . For brands and companies that sell something that can be perfectly visually arranged (food, fashion, accessories, …), Instagram is a must. But it will also be useful for building a brand and presenting a company culture. However, do not forget rule number 1 – on Instagram you have to show, not tell .

An increasingly popular option (not only) in the Instagram environment is cooperation with influencers . These are usually bloggers or other authorities in their field who have built a relevant and especially loyal group of followers. This type of marketing works great on Instagram. Also popular are Stories , which Instagram stole from Snapchat. You can use them to show snapshots of events in your company, team building, or entice people to a new event or product. We recently covered how to be successful on Instagram  in a separate article .

Briefly but succinctly

This is exactly how people communicate on Twitter. After Facebook, the second social network to achieve global success . The favorite communication channel of the American president. A medium that has managed to significantly change the form of current news. A social network on which even the Pope has an account. All of this is Twitter.

Although Twitter recently extended the maximum length of a tweet to 280 characters, it is still a relatively modest space for informing about complex topics. It is also necessary to korea businesses directory take into account the limited use of Twitter in our region. It is especially popular among journalists, politicians and marketers, and in total it is used by just over half a million people in the Czech Republic .


However, Twitter is great if you have content that you want to spread to the world quickly . Advertising agencies, news and current affairs editors, institutions, celebrities or artists, simply if you are someone with an opinion and information that is at least slightly interesting to how to create bottom-of-funnel content? the world, Twitter is the ideal platform to present it. However, it is important to remember that it will probably never leave the confines of your social or professional bubble .

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