For the record , the candidate of the movement found by Benoît Hamon, Génération.s, was initially elect in 2020, before the Council of State annull his election in August 2021 because the association he chair, Cœur de Trappes, had distribut masks and other charitable products accompani by his photo, without declaring it in the campaign accounts. Accus of cronyism by his opponents, Rabeh won over an alliance of circumstance form by Othman Nasrou, a close friend of Valérie Pécresse, and the former PS mayor of the city Guy Malandain.
PLAYBOOK EXPRESS A young man was taken
into custody this weekend for showing Emmanuel Macron’s health pass at the entrance to a hospital… A few hundr people (according to Le Figaro ) demonstrat yesterday in front of Paris City Hall to protest against Anne Hidalgo’s methods… The Animalist Party launch its campaign on Saturday in Paris… PCF candidate Fabien Roussel is telegram database proposing to extend the Gayssot law by making people convict of inciting racial hatr ineligible… The municipal police of Echirolles got their hands on resin bars and bags of cannabis herb packag in bags on which the Minister of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti (in a lawyer’s robe) is depict …
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AH IF I HAD A FRANC FIFTY/As we rapidly approach
winter period during which the energy issue is likely to be at the heart of concerns, the Harris Interactive/POLITICO/Euros Agency barometer of confidence in institutions has focus on the question of purchasing power.
At the top of the pile. The topic, which is green marketing: does your brand know how to practice it? struggling to make a place for itself at the start of the presidential campaign, is nevertheless one of those bookyourlist that worries the French the most: 87% of them say they are concern about the subject, including nearly 4 out of 10 “very concern”. The phenomenon crosses generations, political positioning and even, with some nuances, income level. Income level changes the situation, however, when respondents are ask whether they trust institutions to deal with the problem. Only a third of French people who say they have a monthly income of less than 1,500 euros say they trust the State, while 56% of the wealthiest French people answer positively.
Bonus for the small ones. As is often the case, the French have more trust in SMEs (65%) and local authorities (56%) than in the State (39%) and large companies (37%).