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The fact that as the Chair noted its members

While UN treaty bodies often make use of OHCHR staff, consultants and external advisors in relation to General Comments, the GC26 process was notable for the high level of formal involvement of actors beyond the Committee.

The Committee receiv significant technical and logistical assistance from the NGOs Terre des Hommes (TdH) Deutschland and Child Rights Connect, as well as input from the Children’s Environmental Rights Initiative coalition. The TdH Steering Group which coordinat the General Comment process with the Committee play a central role, including in supporting the drafting of the document. Reflecting the range of issues at play in the context of the GC and  “not experts on the environment.

The GC process also involv an Advisory Board

Establish in January 2022 made up of experts working on different aspects of international law and the environment, as well as climate science. (The author serv on this body.) A Child Advisory Team made up of 12 children buy phone number list from six continents with climate and child rights advocacy experience also advis on the GC.

Numerous further consultations were also carri out and – consistent with its child-specific mandate and its efforts in recent years to include children in General Comment activities – the Committee was keen to stress both in the GC itself and in engagements with the press that it receiv over 16,000 contributions from children in 121 countries.

There was also a very high level of interest

Tthe GC from states, IGOs, civil society and others: the first draft of the GC which was issu for discussion in.

November 2022 result in comments from 17 states, 12 regional church of st. john the evangelist organisations and Unit Nations agencies and mechanisms, seven national human rights institutions, 13 children’s and youth The fact that as the Chair groups and reports of consultations with children and young people, as well as over a 100 submissions from academics, NGOs and individuals. Despite this extensive input from external actors during the process, the Committee retain tight control of the GC, with the china numbers text ultimately adopt firmly reflecting Committee views on the issues at play.

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