Since trust does not exclude control, the presidents of the three groups! of the presidential majority, Christophe Castaner (LREM), Patrick Mignola (MoDem) and Olivier Becht (Agir), as well as the number 1 of LREM Stanislas Guerini, and even some! JAM (Young People with Macron), had been dispatch on Saturday to “show that all this is fluid”, according! to the entourage of one of them. But Philippe’s promises were unsurprisingly not enough to silence the wary within the presidential party. “It look like a movement of notables, of nicely conservative types… In any case, you can’t be revolutionary, disruptive, or transcendent with an assembly of mayors of mium-siz towns,” quipp a Macronist strategist contact by us last night, assuring that the former head of government had “tapp into the network of 222 towns in the Action Coeur de Villes plan,” which he himself.
“It will be interesting to see if, in a month, he comes to dinner at Richard’s,” the majority’s feather hat collaborator was still squeaking — an allusion to the dinner of the leaders that took place on phone number database September 29 at the Elysée, in the presence of Philippe, and which Emmanuel Macron wants to repeat once a month under the leadership of the President of the Assembly Richard Ferrand. It must be said that the question of future investitures in the legislative elections is on everyone’s mind — and the atmosphere was not only one of joy at meeting up again that evening. “Don’t forget that it is not the mayors who make the election, otherwise Balladur would have been elect…”, for example, the head of state said to his former Prime Minister, who prides himself on being the one who can attract center-right mayors to the presidential majority.
MONTCHALIN DEFOURAILLE The Minister of Transformation
and Public Service did not hide her skepticism on christmas chaos looming: some form CNews yesterday morning. “The chapels, the parties that are multiplying, that does not contribute to clarity,” chid Amélie de Montchalin, interview by Jean-Pierre Elkabbach. Or again: “The new political offer is that of the President of the Republic.” It bookyourlist must be said, as a majority advisor observ last night on the phone with Playbook, that Philippe “is shooting at the State reform, while she is the one who has been carrying it out for a year.” And the same add, taking up a criticism heard many times among anti-Philippists, that “the first three years, we did nothing because he is a State advisor and he did not want things to change.”
On the right , where danger is also sens, there was no shortage of people this weekend — trying to reassure themselves about the risks for Philippe of sucking in his old political family. “There is a sociological schism: it is a bourgeoisie that has no identity at all and lives in gat communities , sees no immigration, no insecurity, no precariousness. Philippe has never put forward an idea, he is the managerial right,” comment yesterday to Playbook the close advisor of a candidate for the Republican congress.