In the article publish in our blog , about “First telephone assistance in. Emergency situations” , a brief reference was made to the figure of the Call Center. Teleoperators regarding the almost invisible task they perform 24 hours a day in urgent attention to telephone. Calls in emergency situations . Providing information about the. Situation in a transparent, timely manner, keeping the interlocutor calm and reassuring is not an easy task. It is agre that some protocols for their performance are establish. However they receive the appropriate ongoing training.

Teléfono Permanente takes into account that. In order to answer phone calls in its call center, it must take care of the telephone managers that make up its team . Not in vain, with their attitude of improving customer service day by day. They contribute to overcoming the crisis and to the recovery of Teléfono.

Permanente ‘s leadership as a Contact Center


One of the training activities carri out in our. Company is highly motivating, participatory and enjoyable.

Teleoperators, specialists, coordinators, supervisors, platform managers. And the administration, finance, ICT and innovation solomon islands email list 9704 contact leads departments have attend a masterful training with Juan Carlos Fontcuberta. From ImpulsoCoaching , inviting us to individual reflection on personal attitude .

solomon islands email list 9704 contact leads

The session was open by Mr. Carlos


Calonge , General Manager of Teléfono Permanente , who report on the current situation of the company and sincerely provide additional information thank the entire staff for their efforts to move forward on a daily basis.

He spoke to us about the review of production TRAINING THE  objectives for next year, the introduction of Business Intelligence services to obtain thailand phone numbers business statistics in real time as an element of customer acquisition and loyalty, the Marketing resources that have been introduc this year and the Training Plan as a key process for expanding our range of value-add services to reinforce the quality of customer service, among others.

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