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Who we are – another perspective

What lies behind the profession of teleoperator

(For simplicity we will speak in the masculine, but we always refer to the feminine as well, of course!)

Among the various requirements that characterize this profession, there is the physical ability to have a good voice , since the teleoperator has to talk on the phone all day, vocalize well, control the tone and intensity of his voice, which is his main work tool.

And there are many psychological and human qualities that are requir of a teleoperator. Let’s start with patience. Throughout the day, he answers a large number of calls, let’s say customer service, for example. He must always be polite, whether it is with someone who asks for simple information, or with someone who complains with or without reason and insistence or, why not say it, sometimes impertinence.

Where do I work? In a Call Center, or rather a Contact Center.


The teleoperator must never lose patience, but listen and answer politely. We can say that he is on the front line and is the first to receive “the shot” from an angry customer.

A teleoperator must be quick to react . In customer service, when a difficult situation arises, the importance of the problem must list of taiwan consumer email be assess quickly and one way or another must be decid in order to resolve the situation as soon as possible. On the part of the teleoperator, this requires maturity , the ability to understand and be in tune with the interlocutor, as well as great verbal skills .

Of course, and thank goodness, it’s not all about complaints. The work is very vari and anything but boring. Although the Permanent.

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 Oh well, you pick up the phone As a job it must be very easy, I suppose.


Telephone agents are train and specialis in areas (in ‘call reception’ we have, for example, mical diaries, taking permanent telephone offers multiple solutions (i) orders and selling tickets, fault reports and locating technical services), each teleoperator serves different companies within their sector. Therefore, they have to concentrate to the Who we are maximum and act on each call according to a different script. In addition, they burkina faso leads have to adapt to changes and novelties, which are the order of the day, and be willing to learn new computer programs.

In the area of ​​call issuance, in addition to all of the above, we must add the teleoperator’s commercial skills and ability to convince and, if possible, more and more patience .

It’s nothing, right?


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